Colección Oscar, the awesome opossum

Oscar's Tail Tells a Tale

Marcos Almada Rivero

De 3 a 6 años
Do all animals have such a special tail?

Oscar el tlacuache is still very small, he is just learning to recognize himself as each and every animal. His grandfather tells him the legend of the opossums and why he is such a special being.

Álbum ilustrado
Colección Oscar, the awesome opossum
Idioma Inglés
genre: Novela
theme: Sentimiento / Emociones
Categoría: Álbum ilustrado
Área de conocimiento: Lengua y Literatura
Valores: Amor, amistad, familia / Sentido del humor
Text: Marcos Almada Rivero
Illustrator: Marcos Almada Rivero
Traductor: Anita Luize
130mm x 200mm
48 Pages
Imprenta minúscula
Ilustraciones color
ISBN/EAN: 9786077460954
Code: 110919

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