Colección Oscar, the awesome opossum

Oscar and the whisper of the hills

Marcos Almada Rivero

De 3 a 6 años

In a little part of México that has been his grandfather's home for as long as Oscar can remember, things have changed; and for the worse. Will Oscar and his grandfather hear the murmur of the hill again, before it's too late. Find out in this moving tale of love for one's kin and one's surroundings.

Álbum y libro ilustrado
Colección Oscar, the awesome opossum
Idioma Inglés
genre: Narrativa
theme: Medioambiente
Categoría: Álbum y libro ilustrado
Área de conocimiento: Lengua y Literatura
Valores: Conciencia ecológica y cuidado del medio ambiente / Responsabilidad, sentido crítico
Text: Marcos Almada Rivero
Illustrator: Marcos Almada Rivero
Traductor: David Morrison
220mm x 210mm
48 Pages
Letra de imprenta
Ilustraciones color
ISBN/EAN: 9786077468356
Code: 170820

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